Malden Home Profiles Puzzle Collage Picture Frame

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this time, we'll discuss Malden Home Profiles Puzzle Collage Picture Frame. an excellent product that depending on our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that individuals can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Malden Home Profiles Puzzle Collage Picture Frame is quite easy to use. for novices, just by looking at the manuals we are able to use it directly. We do not need to call technician making it can be used as the first purpose you want to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Malden Home Profiles Puzzle Collage Picture Frame with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen one of the most friendly price while using maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to acquire it for our beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, snap it up fast.
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By : Malden
List Price :
Price : $23.69
You Save : $5.30 (18%)

Product Description Product Description
Present a bevy of family pictures, or a miniature photo essay, in this fun puzzle collage-style picture frame. From Malden Home Interiors, the frame holds nine 4-by-6-inch photographs. Four of the frame’s photo slots accommodate pictures shot at a horizontal angle and five from the vertical angle. Designed for wall hanging, the frame’s black-painted wood construction endows it with a sleek appearance that suits classic and contemporary décor alike. Glass panes protect the displayed photographs from dust, moisture, and damage from direct impact. The puzzle collage frame measures 17-1/2 by 1-2/5 by 17-1/2 inches and weighs 4 pounds upon shipping.
A fun puzzle collage photo frame.
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Product Features
- Puzzle collage-style picture frame for 9 4-by-6-inch photographs
- Wood frame construction with glass panes protecting photos from dust, moisture, and scratches
- Accommodates a mix of horizontal and vertical shots; designed for wall-hanging display
- Measures 17-1/2 by 1-2/5 by 17-1/2 inches and weighs 4 pounds upon shipping
- Capture those special moments
Price : $23.69

Customer Reviews
This is a decent frame made from plastic and glass. It looks nice hanging on the wall once you've dealt with its two shortcomings:
1) The tolerances between the cardboard inserts on the rear of each picture frame and the frame itself are incredibly tight and a nightmare to work with. I suggest that you take them out one at a time and place them beside the frame in the exact orientation that they were in originally. It's like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. I used a small jeweler's screwdriver to help pry each insert from the frame after bending the holding tabs back as flat against the frames as I could get them. Replacing the inserts is just as frustrating as getting them out. If you're only going to put one set of photos in this frame then you should be able to deal with its tight tolerances.
2) The frame comes with a single mounting tab that only allows it to be mounted on the wall in the 5 portrait - 4 landscape orientation. Would it have killed the manufacturer to spend the extra 2 cents per frame to put another tab on it so that it could be mounted in the alternative 4 portrait - 5 landscape orientation? Apparently so...
One other thing I noticed about my frame is that one of the landscape frames was slightly crooked as compared to the other frames. It's not a huge deal, but it is noticeable to a perfectionist, such as myself. :)
So I think this picture frane is beautiful. But, it is a major pain to get those pics in. It looks great on a wall but make sure you have at least 1/2 hour to get your pics in. You HAVE to have a pair of needle nosed plyers and you have to be patient. Looks great after! Just know what your in for- its less expensive so be prepaired to put some work in.
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