Pearhead Babyprints Keepsake Wall Frame

Hello,we meet again. in accordance with what we did before, we'll present to you report on the best product for your requirements.
this time, we will discuss Pearhead Babyprints Keepsake Wall Frame. a fantastic product that based on our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that we can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Pearhead Babyprints Keepsake Wall Frame is quite easy to use. for newbies, just by studying the manuals we could use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to make it can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
the good thing is you can get/buy Pearhead Babyprints Keepsake Wall Frame with special price in amazon. we've selected and chosen the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to buy it for the beloved people. anyway, an item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Pear Head
List Price :
Price : $24.99
You Save : $9.96 (28%)

Product Description
Color: Mahogany
From the Manufacturer
Create and display your baby's tiny handprint or footprint alongside your favorite photo. Includes everything you need and is simple and easy to use. Unlike messy clays and plaster kits, the Babyprints Kit includes a non-toxic composite impression material that is clean and easy to use and does not require any mixing or baking. Simply remove the material from the bag, knead in your hands, roll-out flat, then press you baby’s hand or foot into the material. If you made a mistake, no problem, simply knead the material again and repeat until you get a print that you like. Allow the finished print air-dry for 24 to 48 hours and then mount in your frame using the included double-sided tape. Mat holds a standard 4"x6" photo. Included with your kit are a high quality shadow box frame with real glass facing, bevel cut white mat, pink and blue background boards, impression material, rolling pin, shaping ruler, double-sided tape, and instructions.
With the Babyprints kit, you can create and beautifully exhibit an impression of your child's hand or foot in an elegant display that is sure to bring years of joy. The perfect gift for you, Babyprints makes a unique baby shower gift for expecting mothers and a great memento for grandparents, friends and relatives. Finally! An impression kit that can be created without the complications of other keepsake and craft kits. Babyprints requires absolutely no mixing, no baking, no painting, and produces no mess. Everything for assembly is included: an elegant shadowbox frame with glass facing, acid-free picture mats for both 4"x6" and 5"x7" photographs, non-toxic air drying impression material, wood rolling ping with shaping ruler, and double-sided adhesive tape.
Product Features
- Elegant wood shadow box frame
- No mess, non-toxic, air-dry Impression material makes capturing you child's print safe and easy
- Pink and blue background boards included
Price : $24.99

Customer Reviews
Hi. I love this product (unfortunately the picture does not show how wonderful the finished kit is, hint: look at the company website). I saw some of the other reviews which pointed out a few problems and I have some great tips that I got by speaking to the Pearhead, Inc. customer service. Be sure to knead the material in your hands before you role it out. Second be careful not to role out the material too thin. Last flip the print over after 12 hours of drying so that the bottom can dry evenly. These steps will keep it from cracking when drying and will be sure to keep it from falling off the double-sided tape. Last if you have any problems I recommend calling the company, they are very helpful.
I loved this keepsake frame kit. The first one I received as a present was not usable b/c the clay that came with it was already hard and not pliable. I had to exchange it for another kit. There should be some sort of date on the box to check for product freshness.
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