Hercules Hook 0772009 Revolutionary Wall Hangers w/Laser Marker, 20-count
Hello,we meet again. as outlined by what we did before, we will present to you writeup on the best product to meet your needs.
this time, we will discuss Hercules Hook 0772009 Revolutionary Wall Hangers w/Laser Marker, 20-count. a great product that determined by our experience has given satisfaction that individuals had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that people can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Hercules Hook 0772009 Revolutionary Wall Hangers w/Laser Marker, 20-count is quite easy to use. for novices, just by looking at the manuals we are able to use it directly. We do not need to call technician to make it can be used as the first purpose we should buy it.
the good news is you can get/buy Hercules Hook 0772009 Revolutionary Wall Hangers w/Laser Marker, 20-count with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to get it for beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Hercules
List Price :
Price : $7.14
You Save : $12.85 (64%)

Product Description
The Hercules Hook is the easiest way to hang pictures, mirrors, shelves just about anything. Easy to install just twist, push and turn! No more drilling or pounding to try to find a stud - No more damaged walls! The reinforced steel design provides the muscle to hang and hold up to 150 lbs. Great for plaster, drywall or paneling. Twist, Push, Turn. Pick a point on the wall where you want the bottom of the hook to sit. Then, measure ¼" directly above that point and set the tip there.Next, with firm forward pressure, twist the hook back and forth (like a key) until you have chiseled through the wall. Now turn the hook upward and push completely into the wall until only the hook is exposed.
Technical Details
- The Hercules Hook is the easiest way to hang pictures, mirrors, shelves just about anything.
- Hercules Hooks Each small steel hook supports an incredible 150 pounds!
- That's the weight of an average person! Installs easily by hand with no tools, througha pin-size hole.
- Hang everything from small frames to heavy mirrors and shelves.
Price : $7.14

Customer Reviews
I have a lot of heavy mirrors and pictures, I also have many big holes in my walls because I change things around often. I bought these hooks after patching up the big holes from screws, nails, anchors, etc. I must say I am very happy with this product. They are very easy to use and it just took me seconds to hang a very big picture. Now I won't feel so bad when I change things up because the hole left in the wall is minimal.
It is hard to get excited over a hook in the wall but these things are amazing. So simple yet so perfect for the job they do. I hang a lot of pictures and have always been annoyed at the options. These have changed everything. They are the perfect hanger. They simply poke into the wall and remove leaving the smallest nail size hole. I know it sounds stupid but I love these things! They seem a bit expensive but are worth it. They make my life easier and that is surely worth the cost.
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