MCS 11810 8 by 10-Inch Box Frame
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this time, we're going to discuss MCS 11810 8 by 10-Inch Box Frame. a fantastic product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and us satisfied too we can present it into our lives.
What is fun is MCS 11810 8 by 10-Inch Box Frame is quite easy to use. for starters, just by exploring the manuals we can use it directly. We don't need to call technician to make it can be used as the 1st purpose we should buy it.
the good news is you can get/buy MCS 11810 8 by 10-Inch Box Frame with special price in amazon. i have selected and chosen one of the most friendly price with all the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to acquire it for beloved people. anyway, them is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : MCS
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Price : $5.79
You Save : $0.21 (4%)

Product Description
MCS Box Frame 8X10 Clear - MCS 11810.
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Product Features
- As the name indicates, this clear acrylic frame with a white core box can be used as a wall or tabletop frame. 4x6 through 18x24
Price : $5.79

Customer Reviews
Inexpensive, does the job well. Promptly delivered. But delivery charges are more than the cost of the frames!
I had been making more enlargments of my photos since 1986. But I could not find an economical way to display them-and I live on a modest budget. I had tried mat boards, cheap wood frames from the discount store. But then my mom who worked for a doctor in the suburbs brought home this discared plastic box frame of his. Apparently they like photography, too. Of course, it was in junked condition. But I figured that if it was good enough the suburbs, it was good enough for me! (Just like Jack Van Impe and the FRANKLIN ELECTRONIC BIBLE!). I had wanted to frame a nice picture that I had enoarged to 16X20. And I called an ecomony frame store in the suburbs. And they wanted at least $70.00 to put my picture in a frame. So, I bought one of these types of frame. I have 11X14 and 8X10 enlaregments of my photographs in these plastic box frames hanging all over the walls of my living room and my study room! This sure worked well for me!
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