Melannco, 5066010, 4-Opening Wall Collage Frames
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The Lowest Price Available Here
Price : $20.00

Product Description
Black, 4 Opening LLLL Wall Collage
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Product Features
- Photo wall decor
- Sentiments Live Laugh Love Life
- Photo Collage
- Picture frame
- Holds 4 photos
Price : $20.00

Customer Reviews
Great for the price. When it arrived there were some plastic sharp edges sticking out from some of the corners and in between the letters, but were easily removed with a knife, barely noticeable.
Gave it as a gift to my cousin, she loved it.
Frame dimensions are two 4x6 ; two 6x4.
I loved the picture frame at first. despite it came in a HUGE box, i thought it was really cute. i put my pictures inside the frame and went to hang it up. i got it hung up on my wall, then about 15 minutes after it was hung up, i heard this loud noise coming from my living room. well long story short, the picture frame came apart, and broke. into 2 pieces. i am very upset.
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