Capri 10-Piece Nuvo Frame Set, Black

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this time, we'll discuss Capri 10-Piece Nuvo Frame Set, Black. an excellent product that according to our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and us satisfied too that people can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Capri 10-Piece Nuvo Frame Set, Black is incredibly easy to use. for beginners, just by going through the manuals we are able to use it directly. Do not need to call technician to restore can be used as the first purpose you want to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Capri 10-Piece Nuvo Frame Set, Black with special price in amazon. we've selected and chosen probably the most friendly price while using maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to buy it for the beloved people. anyway, an item is limited, grab it fast.
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By : Capri
Price : $17.49

Product Description
Create a classic gallery of your favourite photographs and artwork with this 10 piece Nuvo frame set. These contemporay frames are perfect for the wall or tabletop and have a black satin finish. Includes one 8-Inch by 10-Inch, three 5-Inch by 7-Inch , three 4-Inch by 6-Inch and three 2.5-Inch by 3.5-Inch frames in the boxed set. Ideas for displaying and/or hanging the collection are detailed on the packaging. This set is perfect for home, office or a stunning gift.
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Product Features
- Color packaging offers display suggestions or create your own special gallery
- Boxed set helps you to create your own beautiful photo display
- Black contemporary design - these frames are versatile, equipped for tabletop display or wall mounting, and can be displayed vertically or horizontally
- Makes a great gift
- Capture and frame those special moments
Price : $17.49

Customer Reviews
At less than $2 per frame, I wasn't expecting anything fancy or high-quality, but these frames are both better and worse than I was expecting.
The frame itself is made of shiny black plastic. When I unwrapped them they already had tiny surface scratches on them, really not noticeable unless you're holding them right up to your face in good light. When viewed from a normal distance they look pretty nice.
The inserts are glass, not plastic, which was pleasantly surprising. However the edges aren't rounded off, there are warning stickers on them that the edges may be sharp and to use care if removing them from the frames.
The one feature that I absolutely hate about these frames is the backs - rather than being held in with a few pegs, the backs actually slide on grooves cut into the backs of the plastic frames. This makes it difficult to get pictures perfectly centered and even inside the frames, since sliding the backs on behind the pictures will invariably cause the pictures to move. And since there's nothing holding the backs in place other than the grooves, if you pick up or tilt the frame the wrong way, the back will start sliding out again. As long as you're not changing the pictures in the frames or moving the frames around a lot, it isn't a huge deal, but it is a pain to get them set up in the first place.
All in all these are decent frames, especially for the price. I don't love them, I don't hate them, and unless I could find a similar set for a similar price with pegged-in backs, I'd probably buy them again.
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