Capri Wood Sedona Collage Frame, Holds 10 4-Inch by 6-Inch Photos, Black
Hello,we meet again. according to what we did before, we'll present to you review of the best product to meet your needs.
this time, we are going to discuss Capri Wood Sedona Collage Frame, Holds 10 4-Inch by 6-Inch Photos, Black. an excellent product that according to our experience has given satisfaction that individuals had hoped. We and our house satisfied too that we can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Capri Wood Sedona Collage Frame, Holds 10 4-Inch by 6-Inch Photos, Black is quite easy to use. for newbies, just by going through the manuals we can easily use it directly. We do not need to call technician to make it can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Capri Wood Sedona Collage Frame, Holds 10 4-Inch by 6-Inch Photos, Black with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen probably the most friendly price while using maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to acquire it for beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Capri
Price : $36.99

Product Description
Present a bevy of family pictures, or a miniature photo essay, in this fun puzzle collage-style Sedona picture frame. The frame holds nine 4-Inch by 6-Inch photographs. Five of the frame’s photo slots accommodate pictures shot at a horizontal angle and five from the vertical angle. Designed for wall hanging, the frame’s black-painted wood construction endows it with a sleek trendy appearance that suits classic and contemporary décor alike. Glass panes protect the displayed photographs from dust, moisture, and damage from direct impact.
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Product Features
- Puzzle collage-style picture frame for 9 - 4-inch by 6-inch photographs
- Wood frame construction with glass panes protecting photos from dust, moisture, and scratches
- Accommodates a mix of horizontal and vertical shots; designed for wall-hanging display
- Trendy solid wood wall collage frame
- Trendy and elegant picture frame to capture and frame those special moments and memories
Price : $36.99

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