Monkey Hook M-V0030-6-SS30 Picture Hanger Home And Office Pack, 30 pc set
Hello,we meet again. according to what we did before, we'll present to you report on the best product to your requirements.
this time, we are going to discuss Monkey Hook M-V0030-6-SS30 Picture Hanger Home And Office Pack, 30 pc set. a great product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and us satisfied too that individuals can present it into us.
What is fun is Monkey Hook M-V0030-6-SS30 Picture Hanger Home And Office Pack, 30 pc set is incredibly easy to use. for beginners, just by exploring the manuals we could use it directly. And we don't need to call technician making it can be used as the very first purpose we want to buy it.
thankfully you can get/buy Monkey Hook M-V0030-6-SS30 Picture Hanger Home And Office Pack, 30 pc set with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen probably the most friendly price while using maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to get it for our beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Monkey Hook
List Price :
Price : $11.80
You Save : $3.19 (21%)

Product Description
Home and office pack contains 30 hooks. Contents includes: 10 Monkey hooks that hold up to 50 lb. on 5/8" drywall, 10 Gorilla hooks that hold up to 75 lb. on 5/8" drywall, and 10 flush mount (low profile tips) hooks that hold up to 15 lb. on 5/8" drywall. As seen on TV. Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Technical Details
- picture hangers drywall 30pc hooks
Price : $11.80

Customer Reviews
My mother originally introduced me to Monkey Hook picture hangers as a Christmas gift. At first, I thought, "oh no, another gag, sold-on-tv gadget I'll never use." She's fond of gifts like that. However, once I tried a Monkey Hook, I was, well, hooked!
The Monkey Hooks are easy to use and they work great. I highly recommend this product. This package on Amazon has the best deal I was able to find and enough hooks that I've spread the wealth around as my kids have gone off to college.
The hooks in this package have 3 weights of wire, each thicker and stronger than the last so you can match them to the weight of a picture you are going to hang. The hooks are well made and very strong and the concept works great. Caution, once you try them you may be hooked too!
This is the easiest way to hang picture, clock's anything that needs to be hung on the wall and not have to work to put it up
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