Pinnacle Frames and Accents 7-Piece Photo Frame Set, Walnut Solid Wood
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The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Pinnacle Frames and Accents, Inc.
List Price :
Price : $48.01
You Save : $41.98 (47%)

Product Description
Pinnacle's Walnut 7-piece wood frame set works on the wall or your desk. Includes one 11-inch by 14-inch frame matted to 8-inch by 10-inch, two 7-inch by 14-inch matted to two 4-inch by 6-inch openings, two 8-inch by 10-inch frames matted to 5-inch by 7-inch, two 8-inch by 8-inch frames matted to 5-inch by 5-inch.
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Product Features
- 7-Piece wood frame set works on the wall or your desk
- Has usable art for vertical or horizontal positioning
- Comes with easy-to-hang guide
- Includes one 11-inch by 14-inch frame matted to 8-inch by 10-inch, two 7-inch by 14-inch matted to two 4-inch by 6-inch openings, two 8-inch by 10-inch frames matted to 5-inch by 7-inch, two 8-inch by 8-inch frames matted to 5-inch by 5-inch
Price : $48.01

Customer Reviews
It doesn't count as "real wood" if it's covered with cheap looking plastic. They look terrible, there were finger prints on the mat
But they were cheap. If you think you are getting a great deal you are not. It is an ok deal. You might want to go to ikea. Same/ better quality and the same or better price
I would give one star but it is cheap so it got 2.
The glas has scratches, the mat was a bit dirty and the cuts are terrible. There was a chip in the plastic covering too. It was white under so I'm not sure what part is wood
The frames come in a box a box with a carrying handle with one frame on the front. The frame on the front had a chipped edge and misaligned mitered corner. The corner of the frame looked bad, if it had been one or the other, I would have kept them, but with noth defects, I wouldn't have used the frame. I did check the others and they were fine. Amazon is great, I've already arranged for a return. Although they arrived VERY quicky! Lastly, I'm not convinced the frames are all wood, the top seems like plastic.
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